Moon Magick

The Moon is central to a lot of different Pagan Paths. It’s cycles rule the natural world as well as the spiritual. Moon Deities include: Selene(Greek), Diana(Roman) and Mani(Norse). In the natural world the Moon rules the ocean tides, female menstrual cycles and moods. In the spiritual world, the Moon phases rule the different types of magick a person can do. Here I am going to outline a few of the correspondences for you.

New Moon – cast spells for new projects, love and careers.

Waxing Moon(growing) – Perform constructive magick to attract love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck and health.

Full Moon – This is a good time for rituals that require extra energy. Cleanse and charge altar tools, crystals, restore energy, prophecy, protection and divination.

Waning Moon(shrinking) –  Cast banishing spells, rid yourself of negative habits, people, situations and illnesses.

Dark Moon(eclipse) – A time for retreat, dreaming, justice, healing, explore trauma and grief. Meditate on the Dark Mother. Request the Crone’s healing, compassion and strength.

It is always best to try and have as many correspondences as you can for energy build up in spells and rituals.

Love and Light,

Druid Jess

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