Animal Medicine – Canada Goose

Medicine is the term used for the connecting of a person’s spirit to the World around them and the many Spirits and Deities that inhabit all Realms. Animal Medicine is the lessons we learn from connecting to specific animals and taking into the self the lessons gained from watching and walking alongside these Nature Spirits.

            Today I will speak about the Canadian Goose. I was inspired to talk about these feathered nature siblings while attending a family members memorial service. The family member had been an avid hunter and at just the perfect moment three Canadian Geese flew in formation over the gravesite. A fitting tribute to an outdoorsman who loved nature.

            Canada Goose is a symbol of the Sacred Circle, cooperation, communication, dedication, and knowing when to lead or follow. When it comes to the Sacred Circle their migration and return shows the natural cycle of life. With cooperation and communication, they help to raise young, will not leave an injured flock mate and help to ensure the well being of their flock. Goose mates for life, they show dedication and eternal love, there is always someone out there for everyone and lastly, they take turns leading and following. They show that leading is to be shared and not a privilege of the few. They are also quick to protect when a threat is perceived. I think we should all meditate on the lessons of Canada Goose. I think then we will understand what we need to fix to allow us to continue in life.

Love and light,

Druid Jess

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