Animal Medicine – Spider

                Medicine is the term used for the connecting of a person’s spirit to the World around them and the many Spirits and Deities that inhabit all Realms. Animal Medicine is the lessons we learn from connecting to specific animals and taking into the self the lessons gained from watching and walking alongside these Nature Spirits.

Today I will speak about the lessons we can learn from the Spider. Spider plays an interesting force in many stories from Anansi the Trickster to helping Robert the Bruce King of Scotland to victory. The spider is the ultimate creator as shown by how it spins its web. No two webs are ever the same! That being said though, it is also aggressive and proves this with how it captures, attacks, and kills its prey.

The Spider sitting in the center of it’s web symbolizes the center of the world and Universe. Therefore, Spider is called the Master of Illusion. Spider’s web conforms to Sacred Geometry. Spider’s lessons are very deep and shows us constant transmutation.

Spider is the Great Teacher, teaching us about the constant weaving of patterns in life, knowledge, the infinite possibilities of creation and to always take note and record the important complexities in our lives. Inspiration, creativity can come from the smallest things so do not overlook them. Call on Spider to help you write, create, or learn new things. Do not be passive about your skills and goals, go for it with aggressive focus. Weave your own web.

Love and light,

Druid Jess

2 thoughts on “Animal Medicine – Spider

  1. Spiders are also masters of observation and recycle their own webs! Although other sources have yet to embrace this idea, I’m convinced they are also masters of multitasking, for I can find no other explanation for how they walk around with all those legs and never stumble over them 😁


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