Masculine/Feminine Energy – Chaos

Today’s combination energy is the Greek God/dess Chaos. Chaos was the first primordial God/dess who is the lower atmosphere which surrounds the Earth – both the invisible air, mist, and fog. He/She was the God/dess of the primordial universe of elements, pure chaos. From Chaos was born Gaia (Earth), Nyx (Night), Erebus (Darkness), and Tartarus (the Pit Below).

When you work with the ancient magick of Chaos, you work with the primordial elements of the Universe with a straight and direct line to what you want. No intricate rituals are needed, just belief, ancient sigils and the focused direction meditation is needed. That is why a lot of Chaos practitioners prefer this route.

We have forgotten a lot of knowledge and now we get to relive and relearn the ancient ways. More knowledge is always welcome, especially when we focus in the direction needed.

The dark and formless void beckons. Love and light,

Druid Jess

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