Animal Medicine – Crab

Medicine is the term used for the connecting of a person’s spirit to the World around them and the many Spirits and Deities that inhabit all Realms. Animal Medicine is the lessons we learn from connecting to specific animals and taking into the self the lessons gained from watching and walking alongside these Nature Spirits.

            Today’s Animal Medicine is the Crab. No, I am not joking. Crab teaches us some unbelievably valuable lessons and there is even a species of crab that fits in with the spooky season. It is called the Halloween Crab because its colours make it look like a jack-o-lantern. Neat right?

            Crab has a hard shell to protect it, thus we must have hard shells so that minor hurts such as words should not lay us low. I know that seems like a lot to ask but if we can harden ourselves then we will be stronger and more capable to fight back.

Sometimes though the better way to fight is to sidestep the situation altogether. So just as Crab walks sideways, so must we to avoid the more hurtful situations to find a better path forward. Be strong and resilient like Crab’s claws. Do not give up or let go of your dreams.

So, as you can see, even the smallest of Gaia’s children teach us extremely useful lessons and to go with the flow but never give up what is ours.

Love and Light,

Druid Jess

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